Wednesday, 14 July 2010

Welcome to my brand new blogspot!

Okay everyone... this is my first EVER blog! and I want to tell you all of the brand spanking new project I am working on with IDIOM front man, Matt Sharland and music/fashion journalist Sophie Eggleton. It's a little program called 'Whatever It Takes' here's a little low down on the project:

Whatever It Takes is a behind the scenes documentary of the lives of the people who risk everything just to make their passion their day job.The program will focus on extreme artists such as; pro Freestyle motocross riders, skate boarders, BMX riders and bands of the rock/alternative genre.

Following the artist/athletes through their daily routines and to events will show the viewers what it really takes to do what they do. The show will be aimed at the young music/extreme sport fan where the scenes are merging more and more every day.

Film crew will be headed by Carl Shanahan of Pangaea Productions, an up and coming film director who has been working in the field for the past few years and has produced many music videos that air on Scuzz and Kerrang TV channels on rotation.

Hopefully viewers can understand that these people really do “Whatever it Takes”

Why not follow us on Twitter at
or head to brand new MySpace

We also have a website under construction as we speak but I will keep you updated on the progress!

We've just got back from NASS festival last weekend after filming our potential first episode, the footage is now being edited and soon enough we should have our first pilot! woo! pics to follow.....

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